D i g i t a l    D i a r y  
Lynn Small

CoLabART—D. Paul/Small

Dennis Paul
Moments in Time

As we have begun to review our lives' creative efforts,
certain moments and, heretofore,
unseen bodies of work


Cosmic Mass

"..which embodies the aims underlying all religious rituals,
and the spiritual motivation animating man
since the beginning of time..."

The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC



Love Canal

A Strange Kind of Love
Buffalo, NY


Done while at YADDO on residency fellowships.
At that time Love Canal was an unknown entity

I am most grateful for their understanding
and allowing us to leave after having just arrived
to document this disaster

We returned 6 days later
and it turned out to be a meaningful
and important experience


Digital Diary Art Tour

Do You Get Around?

Vol. 1 Issue 1 - Spring 2000
Concept Demonstration



The link below will take you to our CoLabART website


online since 1994, our extensive presence contains many facets

so take a walk around

explore the viewart.com world

create your own poem

let us hear from you



Gallery Tour


click for site map


Seeking to unite

Thoughts and language

Of one world

One Humanity

Man is but a strand
in the web of life


our online web presence since 1994

Digital Diary - Moments in Time

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D. Paul/Small

©1993-2023 - CoLabART - Lynn Small + Dennis Paul

   All rights reserved.